We have three teams that play outdoors from Burton Street, they are Thomas Cook, Baker Perkins and Peterborough and District. Although both Baker Perkins and Thomas Cook are members of Peterborough and District they have chosen to retain their original names.
The outdoor section offers competitive league bowling in the Peterborough League and English Bowling Federation competitions for both male and female members. Throughout the season the green is also available for all members to use, subject to rink availability.
Outdoor rink Fees for 2023 are £2 per home match.
Outdoor secretary Peter Bass 07792 706997 email pgbass49@gmail.com
Team Captains
Baker Perkins -Sam Hunter telephone – 07503443709
Thomas Cook – Peter Bass telephone – 07792 706997
Peterborough and District Club 55 and Weekend leagues – Jeff Clipston – telephone 01733 346787
Peterborough and District Mid Week and EBF competitions – Ray Keating – telephone 07746 507665