Christmas 2024 hours
Club closures: December 24th – 26th and January 1st
Bar closures: December 24th – 28th and January 1st
Code of conduct
Dress Code Rules
1 When in the main bowls hall and taking part in club league games, club knockout competitions or representing the club members, shall always, conform to the following standards of dress when playing, marking or umpiring.
Footwear must be flat-soled (heel-less and tread-less) manufactured bowling shoes. Shoes must be used exclusively for bowling and must not be worn to enter the premises.
a. Shirts must have a collar and be predominantly white.
b. Regulation P & D BC shirts
c. Team shirts, approved by the Club Committee, provided the same is worn by all team members.
d. County or other team regulation shirt provided the same is worn by all team members.
e. Pullovers / sweaters / jackets must be predominantly white.
f. T- shirts and sweat-shirts.
g. Team shirts from other clubs, unless worn when playing on their behalf.
a. Plain grey, black or white trousers; tailored shorts, according to the requirements of the competition.
b. Grey, black or white skirts.
c. Cargo style trousers and shorts.
d. Leggings.
e. Grey or coloured jeans.
At all other times the above dress code will not apply except for footwear as stated.
Bowlers will be invited to make their own individual choice of clothing for roll-ups and casual play, with the exception that bowling shoes must be worn. No firm guidance will be given, but bowlers will be asked to think “smart casual” and consider whether their choice of clothing is suitable for bowling e.g., is it comfortable and flexible enough to allow freedom of movement, would it be too revealing when bending?
Setting up a league team
When people take up bowling, once they realise what a good game it is and want to move into playing in teams, or setting up their own, they sometimes find it confusing.
For any members wishing to play in the leagues, the league secretary will be pleased to show them how to do it.
- Decide what League you would like to enter. Pairs, Triples or Fours
- Make sure the date and time suit yourself and the other players.
- Decide on a team name and enter the name on the list that league.
- Now you have entered your team, you will need to register your team and the names of your players. If a player wants to join your team later, you must register the player (No extra cost)
- The cost of registering your team is as follows: Pairs – £6.00, Triples – £9.00, Fours – £12.00 Share the cost of registering between members of your team.
- When all the teams have been registered for that league, the league will be drawn.
- Drawing the League is when the computer works out who will play who, on what rink and at what time. This will produce a Captains Planner which gives you a hard copy of the drawn League schedule and the names and contact numbers of all the captains in that league. This will match the dates and times on the screen in the bowls hall. It will also give you the means of marking when your players will be required to play.
- It is the responsibility of the captain to make sure all dates are fulfilled.
- At the start of all games the player in charge should collect the Score Card, an envelope to put the rink tokens or cash in and a slip to fill in showing your team, rink and number of rink tokens/cash collected.
- Rink tokens can be purchased using your credit/debit card, more convenient for you than trying to find correct change. Most members for convenience buy several at a time.
- At the end of the game the card should be checked and signed by both captains and the card put in the slot marked Secretary Scores must also be entered on the iPads provided. The Envelope containing the tokens and slip should be put in the slot marked Treasurer.
- The results of your matches and your position in the league will be available as soon as possible on the Web Site, to keep you up to date.
There is always help available.
The League Secretary is happy to sit with you and assist you in any way possible either face to face or by telephone.
Email –
League Details
The league season runs from September to April, with a reduced programme running during the summer months.
League matches are of 1 hour 55 minutes duration and MUST start on the bell.
There are leagues for men’s, ladies and mixed: played in pairs, triples, fours: for both open and over 55’s: throughout the day and evening.
How to form a league team:
The lifeblood of any Bowls Club is the success of its leagues and the more teams that play in these leagues the better. So, we are asking members to think about forming a team and playing in a league. How do you do that?
First, you need to talk to a few friends to see how many people you want to register in your team. Don’t forget that you probably need one or two spares in case of holidays or illnesses. Then you can decide which league you want to play in, depending on the gender, number of players and which day you want to play. Now you can choose a name for team and appoint the captain to manage your team. It will be this person’s job to register the team and its members and do a rota for who will play in each match.
First, you need to talk to a few friends to see how many people you want to register in your team. Don’t forget that you probably need one or two spares in case of holidays or illnesses. Then you can decide which league you want to play in, depending on the gender, number of players and which day you want to play. Now you can choose a name for team and appoint the captain to manage your team. It will be this person’s job to register the team and its members and do a rota for who will play in each match.
Finally, contact the league secretary, who will complete your registration.
The charges for registering a league team are Pairs – £6, Triples £9 and Fours £12.
Don’t be deterred by feeling that you’re not good enough to compete against more experienced bowlers. We’ve all been there and suffered the defeats, but we soon get better and start to win a few games.
Please give this some serious consideration and hopefully you will be able to enter a team in one of the many leagues starting in either the Winter or Summer leagues.
For your information details of these leagues are below.
Please give this some serious consideration and hopefully you will be able to enter a team in one of the many leagues starting in either the Winter or Summer leagues.
Prior to the end of a season, lists of existing teams are displayed on the notice board and captains are asked to indicate whether they wish to play in the following season. There is at this time the opportunity for new teams to be entered.
A list is also made available whereby players wishing to play in a particular league can denote availability.
Throughout the season there is a floaters list whereby occasional players can indicate their availability. In addition to the league programme there are sessions set aside for roll ups.
Please see separate document, Bowlr or the notice board for details of these.
Sunday | 10:00 | Open | Pairs | Aussie Pairs |
Monday | 12:00 | Open | Pairs | Bird |
Monday | 18:30 | Men’s | Fours | Men’s Fours |
Tuesday | 10:00 | Open | Triples | Arthur Strickland DIY 1 |
Tuesday | 12:00 | Open | Triples | Arthur Strickland DIY 2 |
Tuesday | 18:45 | Open | Pairs | Open Pairs |
Wednesday | 12:05 | Open | Pairs | Aircraft |
Wednesday | 18:30 | Open | Singles | Open Singles |
Thursday | 10:00 | Men and Ladies | Triples | Cath Ross |
Thursday | 14:00 | Men’s | Triples | Flower |
Thursday | 18:30 | Open | Triples | Thursday Open Triples |
Friday | 12:00 | Open | Pairs | Motor Car |
Friday | 14:00 | Open | Triples | At The Bar |
Club Constitution (29th April 2024)
- Name and address: The club shall be called the Peterborough and district bowls centre and is situated at:
19 Burton Street, Peterborough. PA15 5HA. - Ownership: The club is owned by the Peterborough and District Indoor Bowling Club Limited and operated by the Peterborough and District Indoor Bowling Centre, a company limited by guarantee in accordance with the Memoranda and Articles of association of the respective companies, which may for the sake of clarity be hereafter referred to as “The Owners” and “The Operators”.
2.1 Both companies are registered with Companies House.
2.2 Day-to-day management being exercised through a committee comprising the Directors of the Board of Management of the Operators plus a number of subscription members elected by the subscribing bowling members at their Annual General Meeting.
3. Objectives: the objectives of the club are to provide facilities for, and to promote participation in the amateur sport of Indoor and Outdoor Bowls.
4. Membership: the club shall consist of the following categories of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis:
• A full Member.
• A Junior Member under the age of 18yrs.
• An Honorary Member/Life Member.
• A Social Member.
4.1 Neither social or junior. Members shall be eligible to hold office or to vote at a general meeting.
4.2 Annual subscriptions and charges for use of the facilities will be as laid down by the operators and such amounts will be displayed within the club.
4.3 A period of at least two days must elapse before the new member is admitted to any of the privileges of membership (this complies with current licencing regulations.)
4.4 The right of joining fee if any an subscription fee for each category of membership shall be proposed by the committee to the members at the AGM in each year.
4.5 Any proposed changes shall be approved by a majority of those present and entitled to vote and shall become operative from that date.
4.6 The current rate of joining fee and subscription fee shall be prominently displayed in the club premises.
4.7 Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport of indoor or outdoor flat green bowls on application regardless of sex age, disability, ethnicity, nationality sexual orientation religion or other beliefs.(Membership may however be limited according to available facilities on a non-discriminatory basis.)
4.8 Membership subscriptions will be kept at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
4.9 The club committee may refuse membership or remove it only for good cause such as conduct likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Against refusal or removal may be made to the members. If consideration of removal of membership is as a result of a disciplinary issue, the procedure to be adopted shall be that as set out in accordance with bowls England Regulation 9, (misconduct). (See appendix 1… REGULATION_9_SEPTEMBER_2019_CLEAN.pdf (
4.10 All members shall pay the joining or admin fee and their first annual subscription fee upon election to the club.
4.11 Every member should furnish the membership secretary with up-to-date contact details that shall be recorded in the register of members and any notice sent to such address or addresses either by post or electronically shall be deemed to have been duly delivered.
4.12 An application for membership shall be in the form prescribed by the committee and shall include the name and address and contact details of the candidate.
4.13 Upon receipt of an application for membership the Membership Secretary shall consider the application and may refer it to the committee for their consideration.
4.14 Upon election a candidate shall pay within one calendar month fees as shall be requested. In default of such payment the election shall be void unless significant cause for delay be shown.
4.15 A member wishing to resign their membership shall give notice in writing to the Membership Secretary and shall not then be liable to pay the subscription for the following year.
4.16 A member who retires in accordance with this Rule shall not be entitled to have any part of the annual membership fee or any other fees refunded.
4.17 The Committee my cancel, without notice being given, the membership of any member who’s annual subscription and other annual fees are more than one month in arrears provided that the Committee may, at its absolute discretion, reinstate such member upon payment of arrears.
4.18 No member whose annual payment is in arrears may use the club premises or vote at any meeting.
4.19 The Committee may nominate for election at an Annual General Meeting such Honorary/Life members as the committee may think fit.
4.20 The election of Honorary/Life members shall be placed before the Annual General Meeting each year and such Honorary members shall be duly elected if two thirds of those present, and so entitled to, vote to elect said member(s).
5. Temporary Membership: members of visiting teams or competitors and their supporters or persons attending official functions or functions held on behalf of members may be given temporary membership for a period not exceeding 24 hours.
5.1 notice of other persons nominated for temporary membership shall be clearly exhibited on the club premises for at least two days before such temporary membership takes effect.
6. Officers of the Club: The Officers of the Club shall be full Members of the Club and shall consist of a Committee, hereinafter known as the Club Committee, which shall consist of the Board of Directors of the Operators, of not less than six full members of the Club who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
6.1 One third of the members of the Committee shall retire every year in rotation but shall be eligible for re-election. A Chair and Vice Chair will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
6.2 The Chair shall be elected for a three-year period, to be succeeded in office by the Vice Chair at which time a new Vice Chair will be elected.
6.3 Candidates for election to the committee shall be those members of the retiring committee eligible to offer themselves for re-election and such other full members whose nominations (duly proposed and seconded in writing by full members of the club) with their consent, shall have been received by the Membership Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the AGM in each year.
6.4 Such nominations together with the names of the Proposer and Seconder shall be posted in the club premises at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM.
6.5 If for any reason a casual vacancy shall occur the Committee may Co-opt another person to fill such a vacancy until the following AGM.
6.6 Co-opted members will be entitled to vote.
7.1 Sub-Committees: the Committee may appoint such sub-committees as it may deem necessary and may delegate such of its powers as it may think fit upon such terms and conditions as shall be deemed expedient and/or required by the Law.
7.2 A member of the committee, or of a sub-committee or any member of the club, in transacting business for the club, shall disclose to third parties that they are so acting.
7.3 The Committee, or any person or sub-committee delegated by the Committee to act as agent for the Club or its members shall enter into contracts only as far as expressly authorised, or authorised by implication, by the Committee.
7.4 No one shall, without the express authority of the Committee, borrow money or incur debts on behalf of the club or its membership.
8. Powers of the Committee: The day-to-day management of the club shall be vested in the Club Committee.
8.1 Liaison with the Operators will be through the Club Committee.
8.2 The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club according to the rules and shall cause the funds of the Club to be applied solely to the objects of the Club.
8.3 In particular the Committee shall ensure that the property and funds of the Club will not be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the rules.
8.4 No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties and all surplus income or profits will be
re-invested in the club.
9. Committee Meetings: Meetings of the Club Committee are to be held at regular intervals throughout the year.
9.1 the Vice Chair will deputise for the Chair in their absence.
10. Quorum: The following will constitute a quorum as appropriate:
• Annual General Meeting – Fifty eligible voting members.
• Club Committee – Three Committee Members.
• Club Sub-Committee – Two Sub-Committee Members.
11. Financial Year: The financial year of the Club shall cover the period 1st of September to 31st of August.
12. Club Administrator: The Club Administrator is a contracted employee.
12.1 The Club Administrator shall conduct the correspondence of the club and shall have custody of all documents belonging to the club.
13. Club Treasurer/Book-keeper: The duties of the Club Treasurer/Book-keeper will include the keeping of proper Books of Accounts on behalf of the Operators, subject to audit, enabling them to present at any time, on reasonable notice by the Board of Directors of the Operators, an accurate report concerning the finances of the Club for the preceding financial year, or the current year as the case may be.
14. Annual General Meeting: the annual general meeting of subscribing members of the club will be held in April each year.
14.1 Formal notice of this meeting and an Agenda shall be displayed on the club notice board at least 28 days before such meeting.
14.2 Seven days’ notice in writing must be given to the office administrator for any item to be introduced under ‘Any Other Business’.
14.3 No business, except the passing of the Accounts and the election of the Officers, Committee, Trustees and Honorary Auditors, and any business that the Committee may order to be inserted in the notice convening the meeting shall be discussed at such meetings, unless notice thereof be given in writing, by a member entitled to vote, to the Office Administrator at least 28 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
15. Special General Meeting: A Special General Meeting shall be called at the discretion of the Club Committee to deal with any matter of major importance.
15.1 The Club Committee shall be bound to call a Special General Meeting within 21 days of the date of a request in writing signed by not less than 25 members of the Club.
15.2 During the Indoor season notice of the meeting and a copy of the agenda will be displayed within the club at least seven days before the meeting.
15.3 During the Outdoor season the Club Committee will make every effort to provide this information to members.
15.4 There will be no items of Any Other Business at the Special General Meeting.
16. Complaints: all complaints shall be in writing to the chair of the committee who shall submit them to the club committee whose decision will be final.
16.1 In no instance shall an employee of the club be reprimanded directly by a member
17. Alteration of Club Rules: These rules may be revoked, added to or altered by a majority comprising two thirds of the members present at any General Meeting of the Club.
17.1 Details of such revocation, addition or alteration must be included with the notice calling the general meeting subject to the approval of the Club Committee.
17.2 Changes to club rules are to be notified to both the Chief Officer of Police and the Clerk to the Licencing Authority within 14 days.
17.3 A copy of the Club Rules shall be displayed in a prominent position within the Club premises and made available to all members.
17.4 The committee may from time to time, make, vary and revoke By-Laws(not consistent with these Rules) for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and conduct of members.
18. Dissolution of the Club: If, at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Office Administrator shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
18.1 If, at that Special General Meeting the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of the Members present, the Committee shall thereupon, or such date as has been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the club.
18.2 If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the Club.
18.3 Upon dissolution of the Club the Committee shall give or transfer the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
To another club with similar sports purposes which is a charity and/ or……
To another club with similar sports purposes which is a registered C.A.S.C. and/ or…..
To Bowls England For use by them in related community sports.
19. Miscellaneous:
• Opening of club premises: The Club premises shall be open to members at such times as the Committee shall direct and those times will be posted on the Club notice board
• Safeguarding: the club shall adhere to the Safeguarding Policy of Bowls England and will ensure that all the contents of said policy are communicated to Members and clearly displayed within the club premises for Members and visitors.
• Equalities: the Club should adhere to the Equality Policy of Bowls England.
• Licencing: the club should adhere to the requirements of the Licencing Act (or any subsequent Act) with regard to the purchase and supply of excisable goods.
• The Members acknowledge this document constitutes a legally binding contract to regulate the relationship of the Members with each other, and the Club.
Appendix 1:
see below a copy of Bowls England- ‘Disciplinary Rules in relation to Misconduct at Club level and at Licenced Tournaments – Misconduct’.
Bowls England Regulation 9 Sept 2019 (abridged version)
- Disciplinary Regulation
The right of Bowls England to take disciplinary measures.
Any member of Bowls England against whom an allegation of misconduct, as defined below, is alleged, may be subject to disciplinary measures:
a) Action which otherwise improperly damages Bowls England or any County Association or Club thereof, or any member thereof, or their reputation. - Definitions of Misconduct
For the purposes of this Regulation, the definition of ‘misconduct’ shall include, but shall not be restricted to:
2.7. the use of any profane, indecent, or improper language at any function of Bowls England or of any County Association or Club thereof, or whilst upon the property of any Club;
2.8. any violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, intimidating or offensive behaviour at any time or place towards Bowls England (this includes all employees, any County Association or any Club, or any member thereof……… )
2.14. any conduct which constitutes a criminal offence.
- Procedure following an allegation of misconduct at Club Level
3.1. Any person wishing to make a complaint of misconduct by a member must do so in writing to the Chair or if no Chair the President of the Club. If after preliminary Investigation the Chair/President of the Club considers that a case of misconduct exists the Chair/President of the Club will refer the complaint to the Club Disciplinary Committee. If the
Chair/President considers that a case cannot be made, no further action will be taken at club level and the complainant shall be advised accordingly of the reason for this decision.
In the event of an incident considered necessary for disciplinary action by a Club against one or more of its members, the following procedure must be followed:
a) The accused member/members involved shall be advised in writing within 21 days of the complaint being received:
i. That the complaint will be referred to the Club Disciplinary Committee for a
Disciplinary Hearing;
ii. That they/he/she is/are prohibited from making an application to join another affiliated club until all disciplinary procedures have been completed.
b) In the event of a Disciplinary Hearing taking place the date shall, if possible, be agreed with the accused member/members involved, the Club shall provide three dates of availability which shall be within forty two days of the date of notification to the accused member/members of the complaint or as soon as practical thereafter and in any event the Disciplinary Hearing must be held within 90 days of the date of notification of the complaint
The accused member/members must be given the right to be heard and to be accompanied by an advisor.
c) Periodic review ‐ A decision to suspend an accused member/members from Bowls England pending a disciplinary hearing or a court trial shall be subject to a Bowls England periodic review at the request of the accused member/members who is the subject of the order.
3.2. Composition of the Club Disciplinary Committee
a) The governing body of the Club (in this Regulation “Club Governing Body”) will appoint or delegate THREE persons, none of whom shall have had any previous involvement or material knowledge of the complaint, as the Club Disciplinary Committee.
b) The members of any such Club Disciplinary Committee need not necessarily be members of the Club.
c) The accused member/members may object to a maximum of two of the appointed delegated members of that committee.
3.8. Standard and Burden of Proof
The burden of proof shall be with the Club Governing Body and the Club Disciplinary Committee will only find against the accused member/members if, on the evidence before it, it is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that an allegation of misconduct has been proved.
3.9. Evidence
The Club Disciplinary Committee will rely solely on evidence presented at the hearing in accordance with Section 3.3.
3.10. Relevance
The Club Disciplinary Committee may refuse to admit evidence that is, in its opinion, irrelevant to the issues raised.
- Penalties
4.1. Imposition of penalties
If an allegation of misconduct is proved against an accused member/members, penalties may be imposed on the accused member/members by the Club Disciplinary Committee.
4.2. Matters to be considered
When determining penalties, the Club Disciplinary Committee will give consideration to the seriousness of the misconduct, the circumstances of the misconduct, and the general personal circumstances of the accused member/members
4.3. Types of Penalty
The penalties available for an accused member/members found to have an allegation of misconduct proved against him/her are, but shall not be restricted to:
a) Caution.
b) Absolute discharge.
c) Conditional discharge.
d) Excluded from certain activities of his/her Club and/or County Association and/or Bowls
England, such as participating in competitive bowls, for a defined period of time.
e) Suspended from his/her Club and/or County Association and/or Bowls England for a defined period of time.
f) Expelled from his/her Club and/or County Association and/or Bowls England for an indefinite period of time.
g) Required to pay any costs in relation to the investigation and proceedings.
In the event of an appeal being made, any penalty imposed OTHER than suspension or expulsion, shall be held in abeyance until such time as the right to any appeal has ceased and/or all appeal procedures have been finalised.
Any decision made by the Club Disciplinary Committee regarding suspension or expulsion shall only be overturned by virtue of any appeal procedures.
An accused member/members found to have an allegation of misconduct proved may be cautioned as referred to in (a) above which means that no penalty is imposed but, if the accused member/members is/are found to have had proved against him or her an allegation of misconduct, on a subsequent occasion, within a period of 3 years, the caution may be referred to and taken into account.
For full version see REGULATION 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 CLEAN.pdf (
Appendix 2 :
Officers of the Club: –
Chair of Committee:
• To Chair all relevant meetings of the club.
• To have the casting vote at all relevant meetings of the club in the event of equality.
Office Administrator:
• To keep a register of Club member’s contact details.
• To conduct the correspondence of the Club.
• To keep custody of all Club documents.
• To administer such Insurance Policy or Policies as may be needed to fully protect the interests of the Club, its Officers and its Members.
Bookkeeper/Treasurer/Membership Secretary:
• To collect all relevant fees from Club members.
• To make all relevant payments on behalf of the Club.
• To prepare Annual Balance Sheets for examination.
• To present Accounts for approval at the Annual General Meeting.
• To deal with all matters relating to the Club’s C.A.S.C. status.
Fixture Secretary:
To arrange bowls matches as relevant with other clubs.
To select relevant representative bowls teams.
Safeguarding Officer:
To act as a point of contact for Members.
Press officer:
To publicise the Club in local media, website and social media as relevant.
Appendix 3 :
Licensing Act:
Purchase and supply of excisable goods…..
• The purchase for the Club of excisable goods and the supply of the same upon Club premises shall be exclusively and solely under the control of the Committee, or of a special sub-Committee appointed by the Committee.
• Intoxicating liquor may only be sold for consumption on the Club premises to persons over the age of 18 who are entitled to the use of the Club premises in pursuance of the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations for the time being in force.
• The committee should cause the club bar to be opened (subject to the terms of the club premises certificate) at convenient times for the sale of excisable goods to persons who are entitled to the use of the premises of the club in pursuance of these rules, provided that visitors names and the name of their introducer shall have been entered in the visitors book upon entry to Club premises.
• No person shall take a Commission, percentage or other such payment in connection with the purchase of excisable goods for the Club. Any profit deriving from the supply of such goods shall (after deduction of the costs of providing such goods for the benefit of the Club) be applied to the provision of additional amenities or the purchase of property to be held in trust for the benefit of the Club.
• Proper accounts of all purchases and receipts from exercisable goods shall be kept and presented at the Annual General Meeting in each year and such information as the Secretary or Auditors may require shall be furnished to enable any statutory return or statement and the payment of excise or other duty or tax to be made.
CLUB RULES AND BY-LAWS (29th April 2024)
- Members bound by Rules and By-Laws: Every member shall be bound by and submit to the Rules and By-Laws of the Club.
- Payment of Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions for indoor membership are due on the 1st of September and shall be payable by 1st of October each year (including the Joining/Admin fee if applicable).
2.1. Members will not be allowed to play in any league games until all dues are paid. The Club Committee may terminate the membership of any member whose annual subscription remains unpaid on the 1st of November. - Hours of Opening: Club opening hours will be in accordance with the Club Premises Certificate.
- Conduct of Members: Members behaviour should be exemplary and courteous at all times.
4.1. Every Member, upon election and thereafter, is deemed to have notice of, and undertakes to comply with, the rules and any By-Laws and Regulations of the Club.
4.2. All disciplinary matters will be dealt with in accordance with Bowls England Regulation 9 (Misconduct), see REGULATION_9_SEPTEMBER_2019_CLEAN.pdf (
4.3. Should any member be expelled the former member shall not be entitled to have any part of the annual membership fee refunded and must return any property belonging to the club.
4.4. Complaints of any nature should be addressed in writing to the Committee Chair.
4.5. No Betting shall be allowed in the Club.
4.6. No Lottery shall be promoted by any member or officer on behalf of, or in any way connected with the club, or with any entertainment or event held by or in connection with the Club.
4.7. Gaming shall be permitted in the Club which will not contravene any of the provisions of any state for the time being in force.
4.8. Members bringing children into the club are responsible for their behaviour which shall be exemplary at all times.
4.9. Smoking or vaping is not allowed in any indoor areas of the club. This must be strictly observed at all times. Any person wishing to smoke or vape must use the designated area outside the building.
5. Limitation of Club liability: all references to the club in this section shall mean each and every individual member of the club from time to time.
5.1 Members are bound by the following rule which shall also be exhibited in a prominent place within the club premises:
“Members of the club may use the club premises, any other facilities of the Club, entirely at their own risk and impliedly accept:
(a) The Club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to Members.
(b) The Club will not accept any liability for personal injury arising out of use of the Club premises, any other facilities of the Club either sustained by Members or caused by the said Members whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed to or was occasioned by the neglect, default or negligence of any of them, the Officers, Committee, Trustees or Servants of the Club.”
5.2 Membership of the club and acceptance of these rules by the members will be deemed to constitute consent to the holding of relevant personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act.
6. Admission of Guests: Members may introduce and entertain guests at the Club.
6.1 Unless the club is booked by a member for a specific social occasion, the names of such persons will be entered in the visitors book, maintained near the foyer of the club, together with details of their host.
6.2 The member introducing a guest shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her guest(s) ensuring that the Club Rules and any Club By-laws are strictly observed.
6.3 Members are not to leave the club premises while their guests are present.
6.4 No member shall entertain the same guest within the club on more than one occasion in each consecutive calendar month, or to bowl on no more than three occasions.
7. Booking of Rinks: Any Club Member may book a rink in advance via the BowlR system, or in consultation with the League Secretary for:
• Practice sessions.
• National Competitions.
• County Competitions.
• Re-arranged League Matches.
7.1 National or County competitions will take precedence over scheduled League games and roll-ups with League games and roll-ups being re-scheduled as necessary.
7.2 Bookings are to be made through the Club BowlR system and will be charged as a minimum 2 hour session.
7.3 Bookings for outdoor rinks will be made in the book provided.
8. Radios: No privately owned radios, C.D. players etc., shall be used on Club premises unless forming part of official Club entertainment.
9. Mobile Phones: Mobile or portable telephones, other than those provided for club use are not to be used in playing areas of the club.
9.1 Their use will not be restricted in other adjacent areas providing no disturbance is caused to club members.
10. Damage to Club Property: A member shall not knowingly remove, injure, destroy or damage any property of the club and shall make restitution for the same if called upon to do so by the Committee or by the Secretary upon the instructions of the Committee.
11. Exhibiting of notices: A member shall not cause any communication in whatever form to be exhibited on club notice boards or premises without prior written permission of the Office Administrator.
12. Bar opening Times: The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor will be posted on the club notice board and the bar will be open at these hours or at such other hours as may be decided by the Committee subject to any restrictions imposed from time to time by the Licencing Authority.
13. Settlement of Accounts: A member shall settle any indebtedness for refreshment or otherwise before leaving the Club premises, or in accordance with any bylaw relating to the settlement of such indebtedness.
14. Suggestions: All suggestions shall be submitted in writing and addressed to the Chair of Committee via the Office Administrator.
15. By-Laws: The club may adopt such By-Laws or regulations as it considers appropriate for the good management of the club and its facilities.
League Rules (24 August 2023)
1.1 These rules supplement Club and Playing Rules displayed within the Club and are applicable to all members playing in Club Leagues.
2.1 All League players must be paid up members of the Club, at least two weeks before the first game.
2.2 A player may only play for one team in any one League.
2.3 Mixed Fours: To consist of 2 men and 2 women.
2.4 Mixed Triples: To consist of at least one man and one woman.
2.5 Open Leagues: Any combination permitted.
2.6 Cath Ross Ladies League: One man allowed to make up the team. Man must play Lead.
3.1 All players are to be registered and the appropriate league registration fees paid, four weeks before the first game.
3.2 Captains are to ensure that the registration form is correctly completed and submitted with the appropriate fees.
3.3 Any team playing an unregistered player, other than a legitimate substitute, will be penalised by the game being awarded to their opponents, who will receive 2 points, plus their own score.
4.1 Games are to be played in accordance with EIBA rules, with the following additions / exceptions.
5.1 Only one Substitute per team, per game will be eligible.
5.2 The same Substitute can only be used three times for the same team.
5.3 Any paid up bowls member of the Club may play as a substitute for a team provided that they are not registered to play for another team in the same League.
5.4 A Substitute cannot play as Skip, in any format.
5.5 A last minute substitute may be asked to join a team, consistent with rule 5, even if they do not comply to normal dress code. Appropriate footwear must be worn.
5.6 Any breach of rule 5 will incur a deduction of 2 points from the offending teams total points for that season.
6.1 Pairs ….Session time or 18 ends
6.2 Triples…..Session time or 16 ends
6.3 Fours/Rinks….Session time or 18 ends
7.1 In a Fours game “three’s” may not “play up.”
8.1 The head may not be visited before the final bell.
9.1 Two points will be scored for a win; one point for a draw.
9.2 The winners of a Division will be the team with the highest number of points at the completion of the league programme.
9.3 If teams are level on points, shot difference will decide the winners.
10.1 At the end of the season the top two teams in each division will be promoted and the bottom two teams will be relegated, where appropriate, in the following season’s League competitions.
11.1 A team failing to attend a game within 15 minutes after the start time will result in forfeiture of the game to the opponents who will receive two points and five shots. The defaulting team will pay both green fees.
11.2 By mutual consent of both captains the game may be started late, with no penalties, provided the game finishes at the end of the timed session. OR….. If agreed before the game starts, it can finish late by the same amount of time providing the rink is not booked to be used.
11.3 Should neither team attend no points will be awarded and the game considered void and be re-arranged to be played before the end of the League programme. Each team to pay full green fees.
12.1 Any team unable to field four players in a fours game may play three players. The order of play will be Lead – Lead – No 2 (1 – 1 – 2);or Lead – Lead – No 2 (1 – 1 – 2); Three – Three (3 – 3); Skip – Skip (4 – 4).
12.2 Any team unable to field three players in a triples game may play two players.. The order of play will be Lead – Lead – No 2 (1 – 1 – 2); Lead – Lead – No 2 (1 – 1 – 2); Skip – Skip (3 – 3).
(N.B. in a pairs game rule 11 applies)
12.3 If a player arrives late, they may join the match at any time provided that their name has been included on the scorecard before the start of the game.
12.4 In any game where there is a player short, the full rink fee (Rule 17) must be paid.
13.1 Notification of intention to cancel matches MUST be given to the League Secretary and the opposing team captain at least 48 hours before the match is due to be played.
13.2 Team captains should attempt to agree alternative dates with their opponents for cancelled matches to be played at the earliest opportunity.
13.3 The “Cancellation and Re-booking Form” MUST be completed and given to the League Secretary, who will re-book the rinks.
13.4 Failure to comply with the above may result in the forfeiture of the match.
14.1 It is the Skips responsibility to collect the scorecard from the rack and to ensure that the full rink fee (Rule 16) for their team is paid.
14.2 The Skip is responsible for ensuring that a completed scorecard is handed in at the end of the game showing the name of each player and the scores, and the results entered into the Bowlr system.
14.3 Each scorecard must be signed by a member of each team as a true record.
15.1 If the Jack is miscast by each Lead player, it will be set two 2 metres from the front ditch (i.e. on the “T”), and the mat placed at the option of the first to play.
15.2 Re-Spots will be used in all league games.
15.3 In the case of a “dead” end or the last end of a game all bowls are to be carried back if other rinks are still in play.
15.4 The Jack must be centred before the end of session buzzer sounds, to enable the last end to be played.
16.1 Singles£3.00
16.2 Pairs £6.00
16.3 Triples£9.00
16.4 Fours / Rinks£12.00
Other Club Competitions
Rules for other competitions will be issued at the time of posting details of those competitions.
The current rules for various types of competition can be downloaded below:
Open Singles League (Word) Open Singles League (PDF)
Open Single Ladder Challenge (Word) Open Single Ladder Challenge (PDF)
Open Pairs Ladder Challenge (Word) Open Pairs Ladder Challenge (PDF)
Bowling Arms
The club has 2 Bowling Arms for the use of members and they have very kindly been paid for by the Bowls Development Alliance.
If you have difficulty holding your woods or if they’re landing a yard down the green because bending down is difficult, try a Bowling Arm.
We have 2 bowling arms, one medium and one long and if there is sufficient take up we may be able to buy a short one. They are available for any member to use free of charge. They are located on the wall between the two trophy cabinets in the bowls hall. Please feel free to use them but replace after your game. We are keen to know how you get on with the Bowling Arm so please give us your feedback.

To see a video on how to use a Bowling Arm visit –
- Playing rules for all rounds will follow the usual rules as used in club league games as adopted in P&DBC and based on EIBA and EWIBA laws.
- All rounds will be given a play date and NO extensions will be allowed.
- It is the responsibility of both entrants in any match to arrange a mutually agreeable date to play. The rink should be properly booked at least one week prior to the date set for the completion of that round of matches.
- Only one substitute is allowed in any pairs, triples or four-person team. In the mixed pairs, one male or one female substitute, as appropriate is allowed. In all rounds, teams must be fully represented. Any substitute used shall not have played for any other team in that competition, even if that team has been eliminated. Any violation of this rule will result in disqualification of the offending team and suspension from the competition of the offending substitute.
- Should a team or individual competitor default then the non-defaulting team will be awarded the match. The defaulting team or competitor will be responsible for the appropriate rink fees due for that match.
- Playing arrangements. In all preliminary rounds up to and including the semi-finals, the following arrangements apply:
- Single matches- First player to achieve 21 or at the end of a normal game session. There will be NO trial ends. Players may visit the head only once and only after each player has delivered 3 woods.
- Pairs, triples and fours matches – Match to be played over a maximum of 16 ends or the end of a normal game session (Bell to Bell). There are to be NO trial ends. There are to be NO TWOs up in triples or THREEs up in fours matches. The skips may visit the head only on the final end or an extra end of the match.
Finals only will be played to the number of ends – singles – first to 21 points; pairs, triples and fours 16 ends.
- If there is a tie at the end of a session, an extra end will be played. A coin toss will determine choice of the mat.
- Dress code. For all rounds, including finals, the dress will be as per League games, preferably with club shirts.
- If a rink becomes available prior to the time booked and both teams / players are in attendance then play may commence. The game will finish at the earlier of the session end bell or maximum number of ends (see 6 above).
- Any player qualifying in four or more competitions may be given an opportunity to play one game prior to the finals weekend. This will only be considered with the agreement of that players opposing team / player.
- Any irregularities not covered by these rules may be brought to the competition organiser for consideration. His or her decision will be final.
Note: Markers are required for all singles games and are the responsibility of the home player (first named) in the draw to arrange.
Organised Roll Ups
DAY | Arrival Time | Start Playing At |
Tuesday | 1345 | 1400 |
Thursday | 1145 | 1200 |
Friday | 0945 | 1000 |
Saturday | 0945 | 1000 |
Saturday | 1345 | 1400 |
Sunday | 1345 | 1400 |
Any member can just turn up, enter their name and be entered into the draw to select teams. This is a fun way to meet other members whilst practising your bowling.
Club Directors

Chair- Sam Hunter

Liz Hext

Andy Cox

Graham Agger
Club Committee

Chair – Mike Lewin

Peter Sterry

Martin Bunning

Ann Hewlett

Julie O’Neil

Keith Mansbridge

Gregg Earle

Jo Barry
Outdoor Bowls Liaison
Office and Facilities Manager

Julie Gillies
League Secretary


Tony Barclay

Martin Bunning

Christine Frost

Mike Lewin

Dudley Smith